Friday, April 07, 2006

Turning 25, Post #1

As I mentioned before, I'm about to turn 25 and that means I'm one year closer to 30...I'm not trying to be dramatic but it's true. So I've been thinking, when I turn 30 and look back what will I be able to say about my 20s? As fast as the last two years have gone since grad school, it seems like it would be easy to lose track of time and when I look back all I'd be able to say is "Well, I had a pretty good job." Admittedly, that's an overly dark picture of things. I love my life. God is awesome and my family and friends are great. But I wanted to set some goals to accomplish by the time I'm 30. Not really things that define my life, but just some things I'd like to do. I want to come up with 5, so far I have 3 so I'm taking suggestions.

1. Be able to play Moonlight Sonata again- I'm getting close on this one.
2. Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back out- You may be thinking this doesn't sound like a very "Emily" goal but I was inspired by the book "Through Painted Deserts" and I think it will be an awesome experience.
3. Go on a relief and development trip to Africa. This is just something I've been thinking about for awhile.

Now for the remaining two...I figure it would be cheating to add "live in London" now that I know I'm probably moving there. I'd originally wanted to keep the amount of expensive travel on the list relatively low so I didn't have to be made of money to cross them off the list. But maybe I will add something about traveling around Europe. I don't want to be too hasty to add things on the list because I really want to be able to finish them. For now I'm still thinking.

PS. I promise my blog won't always be lists.