Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My London Bucket List

I've been doing some thinking about what I want to be sure I do in London before I move back to Cincinnati and I've come up with a few things.

Have tea at the Ritz
Go to the National Portrait Gallery
See a show at the Jazz Cafe
See Circ du Soleil
Go to a Premiership football (soccer) game
Take West Coast Swing classes
I'd like to visit the Cotswolds and Cornwall but I'm not sure if I will manage those

Some restaurants to eat at as much as possible:
Ping Pong
Cote Bistro

I'll have to keep thinking...


Shari said...

You should book your tea at the Ritz now. It says on their website that reservations may need to be made 12 weeks in advance! Not sure how true that is nowadays though...

Anonymous said...

Count me in for Ping Pong and Nandos. Oh. I cannot wait.

Have you not been to the National Portrait Gallery at all? I really liked it there.

Anonymous said...

I hope you can make it to the Cotswolds...they're closer than Cornwall...which as you know I would like to have seen while you were there but didn't happen...sooo much to see...sooo little time.