Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Economics of Thanksgiving

I don't understand why a turkey in London is so expensive.

Kroger is selling turkeys for 29 cents per pound. Meanwhile my turkey is going to cost about 40 pounds (currency, not weight!). The good news is that it's slightly cheaper than last year and the dollar has appreciated lately. And I suppose the Kroger ones are frozen and mine will be fresh.

I know it's down to supply and demand, but still. The economist in me sees the logic but the rest of me is confused.


Jon A. Alfred E. Michael J. Wile E. SWNID said...

So do the butchers still hand the turkeys by their feet in the windows of their shops, with heads still dangling from their slit necks? Tammie and I always found that quaint custom to be one of the most charming aspects of life in the UK.

Emily said...

Wow! Fortunately not...I can barely stand to stick my hand in to pull out the insides in the bag!