Thursday, December 06, 2007


I've been studying for my driver's theory test in the UK. While studying I came across a few questions that I definitely don't remember being on the test in Ohio.

1. Which three things should you do when passing sheep on a road?
2. When passing animals you should not ______
3. You notice horse riders in front of you . What should you do first?

Hmm, I guess this is what you get in good ol' country England, although I don't see many sheep in London. By the way I love the questions about what you shouldn't do in a situation. Usually the question goes something like this:

If a car pulls out in front of you in an unsafe manner what should you not do:
a. Slow down and allow plenty of space
b. Remain calm
c. Pull up closely behind the car and honk your horn

Which is the right answer and which do people actually do??


Kelly said...

Funny! Thanks for sharing. Good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Em...
Tell Kelly Carr that I saw their family pic in the CIN Weekly this week. If she didn't already know. It is a really cute picture...I will save it for you! :-) Have a great weekend. See you soon! Amanda