I like being home so I can watch football with my dad - HDTV is a nice bonus, too. I'm glad Chad had a good game and TJ tied the record for receptions. I love a Bengals win even if it doesn't matter.
I just have one question: who is it that hocked a loogie in the second half of the broadcast??
Sunday, December 30, 2007
take what we can get
Posted by
9:17 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
more British pop culture
The Christmas Number One is a big deal in the UK (remember Love Actually?) Weeks before there is speculation about who will win it and the last three years it has been the winner of X-Factor. Since the show ends right around the holiday time the new winner has their single released at just the right time...this year it was Leon Jackson. Check out the list, it's an interesting mix!
Posted by
10:38 PM
Merry belated Christmas
I hope you had a great Christmas!
When I arrived home one of the first things Melissa told me was, "The bad news is Mom and Dad's internet isn't working." I know, things could definitely be worse but that means I've been without internet for nearly 5 days. Whoa. It's amazing how hard that is and what you can do when you aren't constantly checking email and Facebook. I've been able to spend quality time with my family and friends, bake lots of cookies, read and watch a few movies.
We went to the movies on Christmas Eve and saw "Enchanted." It was really cute. Last night I watched "Miss Potter" on DVD which I also really liked. I'm currently reading "Unspeakable" by Os Guinness. It's about evil in the modern world. It's not a light read but so far I'm really enjoying it. It's an interesting mix of philosophy and religion but still reasonably easy for normal people to understand. Now I have to get started on my stack of new books from Christmas. I'm especially looking forward to "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and "Prayer: Does it really matter?"
Posted by
10:29 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Check out the new single from Leon Jackson, the newest winner of X-Factor. (X-Factor is an American/Pop Idol-like show). I saw him perform live with Michael Buble at his concert a few weeks ago and he is really good.
Last year's winner was Leona Lewis and she also has a pretty catchy single out - check out "Bleeding Love."
Posted by
12:27 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I put my new shoes on
...and suddenly everything's alright.
Today I bought real dance shoes. I'm pretty sure I've crossed some invisible line and there's no turning back. The soles are very flexible and covered with suede for spinning! Since they are suede soles I can't wear them outside. That means I have to carry my shoes in a bag and wear other shoes there. If you recall, this presents an interesting problem. This isn't the same, though. I don't have to wear gym shoes with a skirt, I can still wear shoes that work with the outfit.
Posted by
1:02 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I'll be home for Christmas...
Only 2 days until I come back home for Christmas...but it doesn't really feel like Christmas. At what point do you stop anticipating Christmas the same way you did as a kid? Everything is in place: Christmas lights, shopping, carol services and people dressed as Santa Claus but I just don't have the same feeling inside. Maybe that is one of the ways you can tell if you've grown up. I'm not sure if I like to think of myself as being grown-up though. That hints of getting older...
The weather has been nice here for the past few days which has been a welcome relief from weeks of rain. It's been sunny although very cold. So I'll leave you with a couple of pictures from enjoying festive ice skating at Kew Gardens this weekend.
Posted by
5:26 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Fashion contradiction 2
I also find putting make-up on while sitting on the train a contradiction.
There are several reasons I can think of to wear make-up:
1. To cover up imperfections
2. To make yourself more attractive
3. Because make-up is fun to play with (a lesser reason)
All three reasons are completely invalidated by putting it on in the train. If you're trying to cover up your imperfections, everyone already saw them all! Similarly, if you're trying to make yourself more attractive everyone already saw the real you. You've already lost a certain amount of tact by doing your make-up on the train and I doubt anyone finds it attractive that you are checking to make sure your spots are covered and there is nothing in your teeth. That's what bathrooms are for. Finally, if you're wearing make-up because it's fun to play with, it's not like you can actually have fun with it on the train.
I know some people put it on in the car. Although it's very dangerous, at least it doesn't contradict the main reasons you wear make-up.
That's the way I see it (and that must be the only way).
Posted by
1:35 PM
Fashion contradiction 1
There are a couple fashion related observations that I've never understood. Today I'll deal with the first one: wearing gym shoes with a suit or skirt.
I know lots of people do it and it is socially acceptable in big cities, but I don't quite understand it. I know the purpose is to allow for comfortable walking to and from work while still being able to wear fashionable dress shoes at work. But, if you are so concerned with wearing fashionable uncomfortable shoes how can you bear to be seen wearing gym shoes with socks, pantyhose and a skirt?
If I can't walk to the train station in my shoes then I won't wear them. I look for the middle ground - reasonably comfortable and reasonably fashionable. This way, I may not have the coolest shoes in the office but at least I won't look ridiculous on the way there. Plus, I already have to carry my laptop and purse and I don't want to lug around an extra pair of shoes.
That's the way I see it (and that must be the only way).
Posted by
1:23 PM
I know you were holding your breath
...so I thought I better let you know I passed the test! Of course I still have the practical driving test to go but at least I'm one step closer. At least I still know how to take a test.
Posted by
1:21 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Passionate is one of those overused words, like love. Well, at least that's how I feel. I hear a lot of people at work say they are passionate about something. Usually it is in reference to business or consumer package goods. It makes me want to throw up. How can you be passionate about TV commercials or selling consumer goods? Maybe it's just that I'm not...at all.
I'm lucky to have a job that I enjoy at some times and tolerate at others, pays well and gives me lots of opportunities. But I'm not passionate about it. I only reserve that word for things that really matter: God, family, friends, helping others. I would almost go so far as to say I'm passionate about music. But since I wouldn't say it's significant in the grand scheme of the world maybe I just like it a lot. I realize I'm probably being too strict in my application in rebellion to the liberal usage.
More to the point, hearing others refer to being passionate about work makes me wonder if everyone can find a job they are passionate about. Is it reasonable to expect to find a job you are passionate about, even according to a looser definition of the word? Certainly everyone doesn't but is that because they don't look for it or because it's not always possible?
I hope I'm not being idealistic but I like to think it's possible.
Posted by
7:39 PM
this is killing me
I'm taking the theory test for my UK driver's license on Friday morning. I've been studying for a couple weeks but now I've gone into high gear (it's been awhile since I had to study for anything!) Here there are two parts; a multiple choice test and hazard perception. I can pass the multiple choice part no problem.
It's the hazard perception that's killing me. I have to watch a series of 14 video clips and identify when hazards develop. That sounds easy enough. You'd hope I can actually notice when something in the road causes me to slow down. The problem is the test itself. If I click to early when the potential hazard has not actually become a hazard yet, I get zero points. If I click to late when the hazard is really obvious I get zero points. If I click too many times the program thinks I am trying to cheat and I get zero points. What am I supposed to do?? So far I've only passed less than 50% of the time. You'd think it is enough for them if I can pass the practical driving test, why do I need to pass a video game version?
Posted by
6:07 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
24 x 2 = 48 [days]
I'm thinking Kiefer Sutherland is not exactly the guy you want to run into while you're in prison...
He would probably introduce himself as, "I'm Jack Bauer, and this is the longest day of my life." It could be the longest day of my life too if I have to sit and listen to all his stories. I'm sure he would be going on and on about how awful Nina Myers was and how glad he is he killed her.
I hear Kiefer was serving food and doing laundry while in jail. I definitely would not be complaining about my food. In fact, I might not eat it at all because it's probably poisoned. I might be tempted to ask him to iron my shirt but he would probably just reply, "There's no time!" so I wouldn't do that either.
If I was a prison guard and my boss told me to go into Jack's cell or escort him anywhere I think I would just quit- it's better to get out alive. I wouldn't want to be Jack's cell mate either, most of his friends and acquaintances end up dead (you might be okay if you were Chloe, but even then no one is really safe). Plus, if Jack Bauer goes to prison it only serves to make the upcoming scenes more dramatic which means a bunch of people are about to die!
This can't turn out well. Maybe this is really the beginning of Day 7.
Posted by
9:24 PM
Sunday, December 09, 2007
bits and bobs
I thought I'd recap a few odds and ins from my past week. It was pretty busy, hence no posts.
- I thought I'd start with your new British slang for the week. Here they call odds and ends, "bits and bobs." I guess odds and ends doesn't make much sense but it seems better than bits and bobs!
- Monday I went to my dance class. I've been getting really into Ceroc. It's a mix of jive and salsa and it's very popular in London. My friends from church got me into it and we go about every week. We even signed up for a whole dance weekend in March! It makes me feel like I'm on Dancing with the Stars (well, almost). Speaking of Dancing with the Stars, what happened to Mel B in the finale?
- Tuesday I went to see Michael Buble! I took a couple of friends who, believe it or not, had never been to a concert before. It was fabulous! He is a great entertainer. The opening band was called Naturally7. Check them out, they make all the sounds with their voices - no instruments or electronics! Trust me, I saw them prove it.
- Thursday was my first driving lesson! Whoa. It went pretty well. I was a little nervous with him telling me all the little things I need to do to pass my test. I'm still studying for my theory test which I take on Friday. Then I can sign up for the driving test!
- Friday I went to Kensington Roof Gardens with my friend Patricia. It's a very posh, members only club owned by Richard Branson. Patricia's husband's work party was there so he was able to get our name on the guest list. It was pretty cool! The club itself was awesome, and outside the roof is covered with English, Spanish and Japanese gardens. I'll have to go back in the summer to appreciate all the gardens.
- Saturday I went to see the movie "Yesterday." It is about a family it South Africa who is affected by HIV. I would highly recommend it if you can get your hands on a copy. It was followed with a presentation by Tearfund on the work they do for HIV. Watch a video about Rachel here. If you want to sponsor a child affected by AIDS through a US organization check out World Vision. That definitely ended my week on a thoughtful note.
PS. Keep praying for Kelly!
Posted by
12:44 PM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
I've been studying for my driver's theory test in the UK. While studying I came across a few questions that I definitely don't remember being on the test in Ohio.
1. Which three things should you do when passing sheep on a road?
2. When passing animals you should not ______
3. You notice horse riders in front of you . What should you do first?
Hmm, I guess this is what you get in good ol' country England, although I don't see many sheep in London. By the way I love the questions about what you shouldn't do in a situation. Usually the question goes something like this:
If a car pulls out in front of you in an unsafe manner what should you not do:
a. Slow down and allow plenty of space
b. Remain calm
c. Pull up closely behind the car and honk your horn
Which is the right answer and which do people actually do??
Posted by
9:49 PM