Friday, April 20, 2007

It must be destiny

I've been making lots of use of Wikipedia to learn about how football works.

After reading a lot of fan comments on the Spurs, I picked up on several themes. One theme I identify with as it seems to be true of the other football team I support. They have recently established a winning record under a new coach. They are good [but not the best] and lately have been promising major potential but not quite delivering....sound familiar to anyone? It must be destiny.

Now I just need to find my new Chad Johnson. (Not that I am abandoning the original!) Shout out to Kelly who spotted Chad hanging out at J Alexander in Norwood where apparently he is a regular. She was too classy to ask for his picture like I did but I'm still jealous. At least we know he's not squandering his money away at Jeff Ruby's every night.