Wednesday, August 30, 2006

One Week

"Chickity china the chinese chicken/ you have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin.' " Is anyone else singing the BNL song? Maybe it's just me.

Anyway, it's been one week since I left the US for the UK and I finally have some pictures to post! My shipment arrived today with the rest of my things so hopefully my flat will start to feel a little more like home. Although, pictures and other "stuff" can only help so much when I'd much rather have the real people here, instead of the pictures. But, so far so good! There are a lot of overwhelming and frustrating aspects but I'm enjoying things so far. Like I always used to say "It's an adventure!"

Here are a few pictures from around Wimbledon:

This is the road coming down from Wimbledon Village (the ritzy part) into Wimbledon Town (where the regular people live). I'll have to take some pictures around the Village later.
In the center of the strip...

Outside Wimbledon Station...On The Broadway, looking towards the Wimbledon Theatre.

I have some pictures of my flat and the area right around it, but those are by request only - you might be a stalker.


Ryan said...

i'm sending out a request for some pictures..I promise I'm not a stalker:) ..or am I?