Tuesday, August 15, 2006


WARNING TO MOM: Don't read this post!

The countdown is now in single digits. Yes, it's 9 days until I move to London. Things are really starting to hit me...I think I actually am moving, it's not just something I've been talking about for a few months. The movers are coming today to ship all my stuff except what I'll be taking in my suitcases. I'll be signing the lease anytime now and it will all be real. I still don't think it will really sink in until I get there and sleep in my new place for awhile.


Ryan said...

it's gonna be so much fun. Remember: it's NOT permanent. It's fun experience and when you get back you'll probably wish you had more time there. It'll be over in a flash- just think...it'll be the same amount of time that it's been since we graduated Miami.