There's a new ad campaign happening in London and throughout the UK on various modes of transportation including the Underground and on buses:Of course, they can't prove there is no God, just like I can't prove there is a God. It's meant to be a re-assuring campaign but the "probably" doesn't seem very re-assuring. If I was worrying about it, I don't think this would help me feel better. Of course, I am biased.
Friday, January 23, 2009
A new ad campaign
Posted by
4:23 PM
A momentous day
I'm a few days late in commenting on the Inauguration of Barack Obama. I don't have much comment except that I did watch it. I need to stay in the loop at least a little bit since I'm not in the country. I do have to say it's nice to be able to turn off the news so I'm not overwhelmed with the coverage of the event.
But, on Tuesday night I went to see Thriller Live. Thriller Live is a West End show celebrating the music of Michael Jackson. It's not like Mamma Mia which tries to build a story around the songs, it's just music and dancing. During the song "Heal the World" they had photos of people who I assume they thought helped heal the world. I'm not sure what the criteria was but the last photo was Obama. (So you see, these two things do tie together!) Perhaps not as important in the grand scheme of history, but it was more entertaining than the speech.
Memo to the drunk girls sitting next to me: We came to hear the performers on stage sing, not you. Of course, everyone was singing to the party songs, but not the ballads. Next time if you want to sing, maybe you should audition.
Posted by
4:12 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Fashion Police + Spelling Police
May I have your attention please.
You probably already know my biggest pet peeve is replacing the letter C with the letter K. People think they do it to be katchy, klever or witty but it's just a bad gimmick.
While I was out shopping yesterday I stumbled upon this magnificent find: Klassi Klypz.Oh my goodness. Where do I start? First of all, these clips never had a chance at being classy. Wood beads and rhinestones with your initials? Wow. Second, any chance they had was ruined by replacing the C in both words with a K...and proceeding to further misspell them until the words are virtually unrecognizable. The spelling of clips may actually be worse than the whole letter K fiasco.
If they were trying to get my attention it worked. I'm glad I had my camera phone there to capture the moment.
Posted by
2:12 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
It's a small world
Last night I met a new girl at my church...she is from Cincinnati! Even weirder, she is from Madeira. How crazy is that?
Speaking of "a small world," I had a bad experience on that ride at Disney World when I was younger. I dropped my new sunglasses in the water. That was a sad day.
Posted by
10:24 AM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Human Trafficking in the news
Yesterday was Hilary Clinton's Senate confirmation hearing she was asked about human trafficking and had a solid response:
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA):
I don't think we can look away from the plight of women around the world. Nicholas Kristof confronts this issue in a series of compelling articles… Kristof tells us the story of a Vietnamese girl who was kidnapped at age 13. She was sold into sex slavery in Cambodia. When she refused to see customers, she was tortured brutally with electric shocks and locked in a coffin filled with insects. And Kristof details another story in a piece called "If this isn't Slavery than what is?" in which a young Cambodian girl had her eye gouged out by a brothel owner after taking time off to recover from a forced abortion. I'm introducing some legislation—one is a companion piece to Rep. Carolyn Maloney and another is the Afghan Women Empowerment Act. That's just the beginning. Senator I know how deeply you feel about this so I wanted you to take a little more time to talk about your commitment to this particular issue and obviously I would be so pleased if we could work on legislation to fight this immorality.
Secretary of State Designate Hillary Clinton:
As Secretary of State I view these issues as central to our foreign policy, not as adjunct or auxiliary or in any way lesser from all of the other issues that we have to confront. I too have followed the stories…this is not culture, this is not custom, this is criminal. And it will be my goal to persuade more governments as I spoke with Beijing some thirteen years ago that we cannot have a free, prosperous, peaceful, progressive world if women are treated in such a discriminatory and violent way. I've also ready closely Nick Kristof's articles over the last many months on the young women he's both rescued from prostitution and met who have been enslaved, tortured in every way—physically, emotionally, morally and I take very seriously the function of the State Department to lead the US Government through the Office on Human Trafficking to do all that we can to end this modern form of slavery. We have sex slavery. We have wage slavery and it is primarily a slavery of girls and women. I look forward, Senator, to reviewing your legislation and work with you as a continuing partnership on behalf of these issues we care so much about. And finally, the work that the women of the Senate did in connection with First Lady Laura Bush on behalf of the women of Afghanistan has been extremely important. That program started in the State Department. It was assisted by an organization I helped to start in the White House called Vital Voices. Mrs. Bush has been outspoken on behalf of Afghan women…and other women facing oppression around the world… We're going to have a very active Women's Office a very active Office on Human Trafficking. We're going to be speaking out consistently and strongly against the discrimination and oppression of women and slavery in particular because I think that is in keeping with not only our American values but American national security interests as well.
Also, I haven't seen the movie yet, but I hear Slumdog Millionaire deals with human trafficking and does a decent job at portraying the issues. Again, I haven't seen it myself so I can't comment more than that.
Posted by
1:25 PM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My London Bucket List
I've been doing some thinking about what I want to be sure I do in London before I move back to Cincinnati and I've come up with a few things.
Have tea at the Ritz
Go to the National Portrait Gallery
See a show at the Jazz Cafe
See Circ du Soleil
Go to a Premiership football (soccer) game
Take West Coast Swing classes
I'd like to visit the Cotswolds and Cornwall but I'm not sure if I will manage those
Some restaurants to eat at as much as possible:
Ping Pong
Cote Bistro
I'll have to keep thinking...
Posted by
9:17 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Favorite Music of 2008
I've finally gotten around to thinking about my favorite music of 2008. It's in no particular order and with no particular criteria except that I like it! As usual, there's not much analysis to go along because I can't be bothered to analyze things I just enjoy.
Snow Patrol - A Hundred Million Suns. Recommended listen: Lifeboats, Take Back the City
Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs. Recommended listen: I Will Possess Your Heart, Pity and Fear
Coldplay - Viva La Vida. Recommended Listen: Viva la Vida, Strawberry Swing, Cemetaries of London
August Rush Soundtrack. Recommended Listen: August's Rhapsody, Bari Improv
The Smiths - The Sound of the Smiths. Recommended Listen: This Charming Man, Stop Me if You Think You've Heard This One Before
Beyonce - Single Ladies (Put a Ring on it)
Madonna ft Justin Timberlake and Timbaland - 4 Minutes
MGMT - Electric Feel
Santogold - You'll Find a Way (Remix)
Radiohead - 15 Step
Estelle ft Kanye West - American Boy
Rihanna - Rehab
TI ft Justin Timberlake - Dead and Gone
Ray LaMontagne - You Are the Best Thing
Guru Josh Project - Infinity 2008
Leona Lewis - Better in Time
The Ting Tings - Great DJ
Carrie Underwood - Last Name
Posted by
11:30 AM
Friday, January 09, 2009
Don't over-think it!
Per my earlier post on my New Year's Resolution you should already know I over-analyze everything. I keep trying to remind myself not to over think things!
Example 1: How do I feel about moving back to Cincinnati? Excited? Happy? Sad? Where do I feel settled? My mind could spin out of control on this one...
Example 2 (and slightly more fun): I saw Benjamin Button while I was home for Christmas. I highly recommend it! After it was over I found myself starting to think **tiny spoiler ahead**, "How could he have gotten smaller as he got older?" Wait a second. That is a ridiculous question in the context of the movie but a great example of how my mind works!
Posted by
2:35 PM
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Sunday, January 04, 2009
New Year's Resolution
I'm really not into making New Year's resolutions. Since it's well known that they don't last and since I'm pretty much perfect anyway, I usually don't bother. This year I thought about making my new year's resolution not to over analyze everything - particularly how I feel about the transition from London to Cincinnati. But then I started to analyze whether I could keep that resolution and I'm sure you can imagine where it went from there. Scratch that.
I'll do the best I can.
Posted by
3:11 PM
Friday, January 02, 2009
Here's my belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wish.
It's been a great Christmas season. I've been busy celebrating, spending time with family and friends, and shopping. My mind is racing with lots of thoughts which I am attempting to process but am too lazy to write down...or avoiding fully processing, hence my lack of posts. Mostly I feel caught between two great worlds in this period of transition. I suppose I should be happy that I can feel at home in two cities and that I have great relationships and experiences in both places. More on this later...maybe.
Posted by
3:03 AM