Sunday, January 27, 2008

living in God's Community

I think churches don't often teach just how important living in God's community is for Christians. It could be that I just wasn't paying attention or it never really "hit me" at the time it was being taught but it wasn't until I moved to London that I realized how vital it is. I think it partly the dynamics of living in a big city where people are moving around a lot and don't usually have their immediate family nearby. I was beginning to get a taste of it when things were starting at Echo but without familiar surroundings, events, family and friends my church family in Wimbledon has become more important than ever. I couldn't have made it this long without them and I wouldn't be interested in staying longer either (but you can't blame it all on them, Mom and Dad). The friends [family] I've made throughout life at church will always stick with me.