Wednesday, April 30, 2008

If you've seen one...

Traveling in Europe you see a lot of cathedrals. I still go into most of them but sometimes I feel like if you've seen one you've seen them all. Having said that, I've come up with a few awards for the ones I've visited so far.

Most famous: Notre Dame, Paris

Best View: Sacre Coeur, Paris

Most Unique: Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

The Biggest/Most impressive/My Favorite: St. Paul's Cathedral, London (tied for best view)

Honorable Mention: Karlskirche, Vienna

I wanted to make an award for the most steps but I'm not actually sure who would win that one. Probably St. Paul's or the Sacre Coeur - Karlskirche had an elevator!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Top 10 Classic British Slang

Honestly I've only heard a few of these used in real life, but here they are anyway:

1. Blower - Telephone
2. Ton - 100
3. Kite - Check
4. Mate - Friend
5. Spiv - Shifty Character
6. Sticky Wicket - Risky
7. Sixes and Sevens - Confused State
8. Hairy Muff - Fair Enough (must be cockney rhyming slang)
9. Hank Marvin - Starving (must be cockney rhyming slang)
10. Kip - Nap

Monday, April 28, 2008

Top 10 Depressing British Phrases

I had a few British Top 10 lists land on my desk so I thought I'd share a couple with you. This one is the Top 10 Depressing British Phrases. I'll interpret where I can but some I'm not sure about:

1. Typical British Summer [as in there aren't any summers!]
2. Leaves on the line [not sure about this one, although it could have something to do with tube or train lines]
3. Bank Holiday Traffic [similar to the traffic you get on any US holiday]
4. Out on penalties [I guess this has something to do with football/soccer]
5. Aussies win Ashes [Ashes is a cricket tournament]
6. Henman crashes out [Henman has typically been the only hope the English have at having a player win Wimbledon]
7. Mud at Glastonbury [Glastonbury is one of the world's biggest, if not the biggest, outdoor music festival]
8. Big Brother returns [TV show]
9. Posh releases single [haha!]
10. Heather opens mouth [I'm guessing this is Heather Mills]

The British like their depressing phrases but I identify most with the first one!

Friday, April 25, 2008

that's how we do it

The other day I briefly broke my no sugar rule to have a hobnob (which,incidentally, are very high in fiber and made from whole grains so it's not that bad!) Afterwards I decided I needed to wash it down with some milk. My flatmate said, "Are you just going to drink plain milk??" I said, yeah, that's what I drink after I eat something sweet (or coffee). She said, "Why??" So I replied, "That's how we do it in America."

That same day I also received a birthday package from my parents. It wasn't yet my birthday but I opened it anyway (it was the day before!). Again, my flatmate was appalled. "You can't open that before your birthday!" Here, if someone gives you a birthday or Christmas present you wait to open it until the actual day, even if they aren't going to be around. I think this takes the fun out of gift giving as you can't even see their face when they open it. I didn't have a very good defense except to say again, "That's how we do it in America!"

Okay so far

Twenty-two was strange because twenty-one seemed like the pinnacle- something you look towards when you are growing up. Twenty-two just sounded so much older with that "two" on the end. Twenty-three and twenty-four were fine. Twenty-five was a little harder and inspired my list of things to do before I turn thirty. At that point I had crossed into a new age bracket on surveys. No longer was I in the 18-24 bracket, I was now in 25-34 which is significantly different! Twenty-six wasn't so bad but I had officially crossed the line into my late twenties. So twenty-seven is fairly inconsequential. I'm already in the older age bracket and already in my late twenties...but I'm not yet feeling precariously close to thirty. So I'm feeling good. Twenty-seven sounds nice.

Monday, April 21, 2008

my very English weekend

This weekend I felt very British. Saturday I went to a "Hen Party." (That's what they call Bachelorette Parties here). It was for a friend of my flatmate's and we had had high tea at Cannizaro House. There is nothing like tea, scones and other delights to make you feel very proper and English. Sunday afternoon we had a Ceroc tea dance on a boat on the Thames. I love being on the river and taking in the sites of London. Again, tea and cakes were included. To wrap things up we walked across Waterloo bridge to get to the the pouring rain. It doesn't get much more British than that!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Open Enrollment

Speaking of adventure...

As I'm approaching my birthday I'm reminded of my list of things to do before I turn 30. I've decided that this year I will be hiking the Grand Canyon. Since I'll already be training for the 100k hike, it seems like perfect timing to use that training to hike the Grand Canyon.

I've found a few good guide companies online and have been looking at my options. I think I might do a 3-4 day hike rim to rim - how cool would that be? If not that then I'll definitely hike down to Bright Angel and back. Anyone up for coming with me? I'm looking for a group of 5. I can join another group but, of course, I would love to be going with people I know. It will be a BIG ADVENTURE you won't want to miss. Hurry - space is limited!


Those darn Europeans... I think they're just blaming it on the Europeans because they are still upset about being knocked out of Euro 2008.

my adventure

I have to say, skiing was a big adventure for me. I was very nervous (and excited) about how it would go but I loved it and I hope I can do it again next season! I've been waiting to get some more pictures from others who went on the trip, but that could be awhile longer so I just went ahead and finished my pictures. Maybe I'll update it again if I get more photos.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

How can you not like this guy?

I'm not religiously following American Idol but I've tuned in twice and both times David Cook was brilliant.

I'm [not] a quitter

I'm not totally giving up sugar, but I'm seriously trying to cut back. All of March was so busy with vacations and work trips that I was eating lots of desserts...and I liked it. I don't regret it but I'd say they've taken their toll. Since I'm now training in earnest for Trailwalker I thought it would be a good time to do a bit of a detox. I don't know how long it will last but I'm trying to not eat chocolate, sweets or anything with added sugar. I know, I know...what fun is there in life?

I allow myself one cheat per week (next week I might let it be a couple since it's my birthday). The problem is, of course, the in between days. I find myself constantly thinking about it. When I walk into a room the first thing I notice is the woman eating cake or a guy eating ice cream. When I'm sitting in my cube at work and hear the crackle of a wrapper it makes me want to go down to the snack shop to get some gummies. Today I replaced my sugar craving with some caffeine. Wow...I have some serious issues. Imagine if I was actually giving up something more serious.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

on Chad

It's a good thing Chad said he doesn't care if people like him or not...because no one does anymore.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Scottish Vocab Lesson

In honor of me finally posting my Edinburgh pictures, here are a few Scottish words to add to your vocabulary:

skiver- n. one who avoids tasks or work in general; a shirker. v. skive (Ah cannae be arsed wi' this - ah'm away for a skive)

numpty- n. 1. a bumbling fool; one who is intellectually challenged. (no' the fu' shillin') 2. widely known in Scotland as an MSP (Member of Scottish Parliament

blether- n. 1. person who chatters incessantly; one who babbles on and on (That wee yin o' yours is an awfy blether gettin')
v. 2. to engage in conversation, long-winded or idle talk (Ah met yer granny doon the toun, we hud a richt guid blether the gither.)

eejit- n. idiot, simpleton, one not possessed of all their mental faculties; one who is unable to properly conduct their own affairs. (Yer aff yer heid, ya eejit. That's no' a real dug.)

more for your money

I'm thinking Bali looks like a sweet option. I'm also hoping to take a trip to Marrakech.


I hope this doesn't affect my direct flight home to Cincinnati!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Mind your head

It's similar to "mind the gap." Often in the UK if there is a low ceiling or doorway there is a sign that says "mind your head." This picture is an example from Hampton Court Palace. I went there to visit when my parents were in town. I typically enjoy visiting slightly more modern palaces or castles because it's easier to imagine people living there. Hampton Court was built in the 14th century so life was obviously a lot different then. It's just hard to picture coming home from a battle in France and sitting in my throne room or playing cards in my sitting room.

Still, it was very interesting to see and hear about all the people who lived there. Hampton Court was inhabited by several kings, including Henry VIII. King Henry VIII is famous for many things, including having 6 wives. Among many others, 2 of his wives were executed. That makes the sign in the castle particularly ironic! I guess you never know what might happen if you're walking the halls of the palace.

Here are a few more pictures from our and Dad outside the palaceme and Mom around the palacegoofing around!looking across the Thames towards the palacecruisin :)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Lucky me

It's a miracle I made it home from Germany in one piece...I accidentally left my cell phone on the whole way! I'm lucky the plane didn't fall out of the sky.

Today I flew to Germany and back all in one day. I can't always do that because if the meeting starts too early in the day I can't make it in time, especially since I lose an hour traveling that direction. If I have to get up earlier than 5am I'd rather go the night before and stay in the hotel. It is extra tiring to do the trip in one day but when you're not home a lot it's worth having the extra night at home instead of a hotel. Some hotel beds are nicer than my bed but it doesn't matter, there's just something about being in your own bed! In economic terms I'd say the marginal utility of sleeping in your own bed increases the more you travel. On that note...I'm off to bed!

Monday, April 07, 2008

London Life

I can see why people eventually move out of can be tiring! If you observe most people on the trains and the tubes they are barely keeping their eyes open. March has been an extremely busy month for me and I'm ready for some down time. I think I would enjoy a nice trip to the country and a few days of sleeping in. But actually, after saying that I know it's not true. I love the fast pace of London (but I would still enjoy sleeping in). Regardless, I hope to spend my upcoming Friday nights watching Dancing with the Stars. Any other free time I have I'll fill with brushing up my own dance skills.

Speaking of Ceroc, I'm definitely obsessed. My friend Sarah and I have been creating mixed CDs of dance music and crank them up in the car on the way there. I used to make very random CDs with all my favorite songs. They were a real mixed bag and you never knew what was coming next. I have matured somewhat in my abilities and I have to say they are pretty good now! If you're interested I'll give you the playlists.

another milestone

This weekend I attended the wedding of a couple from my church. It was strange to think that I have known people here long enough to be invited to their wedding! Here is a nice picture of me and a couple of my best friends - Patricia and Sue-Ellen. (I should be posting pictures from Edinburgh and skiing soon as well)

Sunday, April 06, 2008

in case you missed it

Here are the clips of NKTOB on the Today show. Warning: Click on it only if you can handle the screaming. Jordan is still my fave - I'll be looking forward to May 16th.

let down

Last Friday was a beautiful, sunny spring day. I though perhaps we had turned the corner... today it is snowing.

I think that about covers it.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

breaking news

Make sure you watch the Today show on April 4th!